Who We Are

Ethical and Qualified Equine Appraisers

Get to Know Us

American Horse Appraisal’s mission is to provide the public with qualified and ethical appraisers that specialize in providing accurate valuations for horses. Equine appraising is an in-demand career field in the equine industry. AHA appraisers will often also perform appraisals for:

  • Insurance Companies

  • Individuals That Have Insurance Claims

  • Attorneys

  • Accountants

  • Divorce Settlements

  • Estate Settlements

  • Tax Purposes

  • Government Agencies

  • Nonprofits

In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the number of Therapeutic Riding Programs emerging across the United States. Most horses that are used at these programs are donated. The Internal Revenue Service requires that any horse or group of horses that are valued over $5,000 must be appraised by a qualified appraiser.

American Horse Appraisal is the appraisal service branch of the American Society of Equine Appraisers which was founded in 1985.